The Audi car key battery on the smart key in Yonge And Eglinton may last 2-3 years or 4-6 years as a regular key. The difference is the frequency of use. Smart keys have receivers and have to communicate with the vehicle when it's near or inside the car.
The Audi car key battery costs about $10-20 in Yonge And Eglinton. The price may vary a bit based on the quantity you get and where you get it.
Signs that your Audi car key battery is running low include the key fob not responding when pressed, or the range at which the key fob can be used to lock/unlock the car decreasing.
No, a dead battery in your Audi car key will not prevent your car from starting. However, it may prevent you from being able to use the keyless entry or push-button start features of your car.
Praise From Our Happy Clients About Audi Car Keys Battery